
Ethnography and Archaeology


A report by H.J. Braunholtz on field work on stone implements by Dr. A.D.N. Bain with S.W. Walker on their visit to Dobeli. It also entails the discovery of Iron remains in Muri Division in 1832 and the field report from Yola Adamawa Province on festivals, Mumuye Tribe, Bachama Tribe, Kilba and Margi Tribes, among others.



A report which entails information with drawings of a tray for hanging in the roof of a house, made at Okpur Ahaba in Ngwa clan. Okeri Azu seen at Inyeogugu used for storing fish, the base is made of palm ribs details of Abo Ogugu, made at Asaga, Ohaifa. Mpokoro seen at Ihite, Ezenhitte clan, used for storing yam under the roof of a house. Alto Oko seen at Abriba, a box used for storing meat, made at Owutu Edda, Afikpo, Obeda, a tray about eighteen inches in diameter used for hanging above a fire for drying fish among others.


The report contains a short note on the basket seen at Amokwe, Item (Bende Division) which is from Ogoja Division, it is said that people are trying to make it locally. It is used as a box and made of bunches of grass. The coiled baskets at Ekwerazu are called Egede Achara.


Ekiti File entails lists and notes on Yoruba customs in Ilaje, Arogbo villages with description of face masks and headdresses, bronze Bell, etc. Also there are notes on plays and festivals in Ilaje Community, fishing and mat making in places like Ugbo and Mahin. The document also entails extracts from intelligence report by R.J.M. Curwen, R.A. Vosper, T.B. Bovell-Jones, J.H. Beeley and N.A.C. Weir . There is a report on Antiquities at Owo ,appointment of native authorities and notes on Ekiti Division customs and traditions.



A short description on objects such as, masks, iron staff and wood carving in different parts of Ekiti.


A report on pottery drawings, drawing of a small gas kiln, planning processes of pottery, materials required, and list of labor needed. Also there are Newspaper cuttings of pottery work in this manuscript.



Field reports complied in the Supplementary Nigerian Gazette 1937 and the Nigerian Field Journal 1939.



A research carried out on body painting among the Ibo people. The different ways the girls and women decorated their bodies with paintings for festivals and dances. The boys during adolescence and up to the time of joining adult society used body painting as well. The different designs include patterns that consists of a few basic shapes such as a hook, a crescent, a triangle with concave sides, a rosette, a circle or dot, a right angle and straight and curved parallel lines and crossed radiating lines.



Notes on various Fish traps made in Abriba, Ogba Clan, Ekpeye Clan, Ekpeya Clan, Ukpo etc.



The file entails information on the Ekwerazu clan, their work on figure carvings, some of which are very good. Others include; painting, modelling, calabash making, fishing, baskets, etc. Agbaja clan are seen to be timid in the Division which is shown in their markets by pricing and selling articles to a European far below the real price. There are fair amount of very good religious figure carving, but its not easy to see.



Incidence that took place during K.C Murray's visit to some Yoruba villages, including interviews with a Yoruba elders (Adu Adamson of Inupa). Apese village about canoe making in Lagos and notes of Apese village and fishing and fishermen on Victoria Beach.



Antiquities ordinances and evaluation of Ilojo Bar, as well as statement of Policy of the establishment of Museums in Nigeria.



Instruments made of Metal in ibo Culture, such as Hoes, Staff, Knives and Musical instrument, Gong


The file entails processes of making pots in Okene, Kaura, Namoda amongst others and the type of pots seen were spherical jars for water. Pottery at Daura is done at Kando, Yerdoji, Gwado and Sara, in Katagun Division, a few women make pots, in Sokoto and Bauchi, men and women make pots, in Kastina, pots are made at Kashi, Kaltungo. At Jaba, pottery is done by women and the tools used include: Touror, Kwon, Soso among others.



A written report on the petitions on the Apese Village and a field report on some cultural and traditional practices in the Oboro clan such as, rejoicing at birth, sickness in the clan, etc..



The file has correspondence from Benard Fagg on behalf og P.A Allison asking for a post in the Department of Antiquity, also letters from B.D Dixey giving recommendation about P.A Allision



The field work was carried out to study methods of making pots in different stages, such as Ikoko Orisha Apa, Odu, they are large pots used for cooking yam flour (Elubo), Enigun are small pots. This information are backed up with pictures.


Notes complied by C.K. Meek of field reports by C. Hercules Read, G.W. Webster on Sokoto Provincial Gazettes, Arugungun among others.



Letters written between W.B. Fagg and K.C. Murray about their experiences on the field.



The document consists of information on Calabash carving, Instrum,ents used for carving Calabash include: Oloko, Gangan, Aregba, Pala, Ifingba. Designs are made on the calabash, such as Incised design and raised design the Calabash in Yoruba land, particularly in Abeokuta area include, Koto, Igba Ademu, Ato, Age, Keregbe, Pakata, igba, igbaje, Igbako, Alta



Sketches ,drawing, method and technique of making crafts in different parts of Western Nigeria(Western province) e.g. Basketry, mats, brooms, fish nets, sieves, beads, fishing instruments e. t. c.



A letter sent to K.C. Murray with pictures of different Yoruba hair styles in Abeokuta, Ibadan and its environs.



Excerpts on traditional medicine for diverse purposes and its translations from Latunde's Exercise Books, complied by J.D Clark.



Letters written between K.C. Murray from London and A.C. Callaway, from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria as well as Annual Reports from the Education Departments, concerning students interest in education on Practical Skills.



The report entails notes on Yoruba potters such as Bandele, Adebola, Iyola and the process of pottery making. The potters generally go in groups in the early morning to get clay and help each other with the digging. Firing of pots is done at Omu Aran, pots are to be finished as black ware, notably Isasun and Awo pots are given a thorough polishing with a pebble before firing. It also includes notes on the process of firing, drying and repairs.


A field work carried out on cloth weaving in different parts of Ondo and Ilorin Province, for example: Aso Ofi.



Yoruba, Ife, Illa file entails notes on; festivals, history, crafts, sites, list of mythical, historical and religious personages. The notes on bead making at Ife and Kaura Mamoda. Beads were being made at Ife thirty years ago by two women in Ilode and men of the Ajilesoro family who lived on the Ibadan side of Ife. It also consists of the Yoruba calendar , festivals like; Ifa festival, Olojo festival, as well as notes on the origin of Egungun and Oro cult.


Dance and Plays file 80

The file entails definition of dance, ritual, drama, rhythmic movement, gestures, the description of dance for instance, Bolewa Dancing, Fulani perspective of dance, Hevehe festival and dramatic dance . Also a write up on World History of the Dance by Curt Sachs, and an article written by Fela Showande on Nigerian Review(No. 58) on Keeping West Africa Alive in West African Music.



The File consists of Letters written by Bernard Fagg and correspondence on Cameroun and Letters


Bernard Fagg

The File consists of Letters written by Bernard Fagg and correspondence on Cameroun and Letters



Memo from K.C Murray for order cash sales of Mortice sliding door locks and town and country planning


Protective Warning Signs

The Document consist of various signs of Spiritual or magical potency, placed at the edges of farm plots to protect them from the malicious and from thieves. the protection of Fire Wood and farms. it states the role of women and the intervention of dead parents


Camerooun File 35

The file consist of information of Bamileke community, there are various societies such as Ancient societies, which existed since the foundation of the Chieftaincy, Age groups, Societies with an economic origin. It also consist of an assessment report of Bangwa Tribal Area by H. Cadman 1922. the Traditional respect for the family head is best exemplified by the ancestor worship of the skull. Information on carvers from different clans which include: Fungom, Wum, bangwa from Fontem and History of Southern Cameroons are also included


Ears and Mouth of Benin Pieces

An Intelligence Report having pictures and drawings of Ears and Mouth with their shapes and piercing from Benin.


Agulu File 6

An Intelligence Report on the People of Agulu District and its environs in Awka. Their House settings, Crafts, Fishing, Modelling, Basketry, Carvers, Shrines, e.t.c. Summary of the Villages within and Around Agulu District were covered.



Ethnographical Report by K.C. Murray on His visit to Abiriba in the Bende Area, before and afte rthe Biafra war. Giving account of how the Art work of Abiriba has been stolen and the town changes. The Report cover Letters of suggestions and Ideas on how to get the stolen Art works back home.


Assorted Ibibio File 26

Ethnographical Report on the Ibibio crafts like the Oron Ekpu carvings, Figure Carvings, Body decoration, masks, Pottery, Fishing, Head dress carving and majorly woodwork. Brief Summaries of some Ibibio Clans.


Alayi Drawings of Baskets File 87

An Intelligence Report giving details of list of Drawings and photos to be traced or copied. The Report gives details of Alayi's drawings of baskets of different shapes and uses.

Assorted Ibo File 7

Ethnographical Report on some Ibo Clans and their Crafts like Modelling, Painting, woodwork, mat making, hats, Figure Carving, Skin Drums, Slits Drums, Stools, e.t.c.


Ethnographical Report giving accounts of Benin Bronze head Pictures, List of some Exhibits in the Benin Musuem were documented and their uses.

Blacksmith File 70

An Ethnographical Report on Blacksmiths, pictures of metal works done at Omu, Iseyin, Abeokuta, e.t.c. List of Brass Smith also at Abeokuta was captured.

Dahomey File 56

Ethnographical Report on Dahomey about their crafts, pottery at Abomey, Senegal, weaving, Knitting, Dyeing, Woodwork, Brasswork.


Ijebu File 58

Information on Ijebu Province on carvings and Headdresses in Ile Erinmo, drawings of Obeje, Erimo Makun. Also there's information on metal work, different types of articles made of Iron, Wood carving Ode-Omi which is a small, low lying village built on a clearing close to the water. Information also on the village of Imobi involved in carvings. ancient Bronze Articles at Ijebu Province, Basketry and fishing utensils antiquities of shrine of Odudua, Osun, Igbokoku, Ijebu Ife and Ijebu Igbo.


Bauchii and Gombe File 52

Information on the History of the Kaltungo which lies around the foot of a hill from which the these include: cowries, but their purpose seems to have been mainly for making marriage payments. No figure carvings or wooden masks are made by the Kaltungo people


Fishing Affairs 5

The file consists of information on Ijebu Province in carvings and Head-dresses in the Ile Erinmo, drawings of Obeje Imobi, Akarija, obeje, Erimo Makun, their metal works of which there are different types of articles made of Iron, Wood Carving Ode-Omi which is a small low lying village built on a clearing close to the water. Villages of Imobi are also involved in carvings, Anicent Bronze, articles at Ijebu Province, Basketry and fishing utensils. Antiquities of shrine of odudua, Osun, Igbokoku, Ijebu Ife and Ijebu Igbo.


Ijebu Okitipupa File 75

Information on History of the Ikales came originally from Benin. The benin race migrated from Ife during the 14th century and the Ikales are descendants of these people. Their festivals include: Are Festival, worshipping of ancient, Ogwa, a place set aside by the Abodi and the Olojo for the worshipping of their ancestors. The Ikale year starts in March.. Extracts of Report by R.J.M shows the Ijaw people do carving for purely decorative as opposed to religious reasons, some of this work is done by husbands for their wives but either is done as decoration for their house. The file also consists of the history of Ilaje district, population of which is slitted into Ugbo, mahin, Etikan. Ilaje is known for fishing activities of which tools like Iyanman (Basket) Eri or Awo (Large net), Egbo (Stick or string) Ojigon is used., B.J.A Matthews explains Mat making in Ilaje, Etu ore or ifin, this include: Ore Olona, ore olojiokun made from coarse grass, ore lafala and Ejiko. There are also headdress of different styles,


Benue Plateau File 53

The Pagan head-dresses in the benue style mostly appear to be the work of competent career following traditional forms, the file also consists of Bargesh (Kakari Tribe), it lies among rocky hills in a valley about 600 feet down from the Plateau. The huts are circular and impressively tall with a stone course about two third of the way up for on upper story. The Anaguta Tribe is a small Tribe living north-east of Jos. The hausa made post have replaced the local industry which is now practically abandoned. Some houses have moulded decorations. Representations of cows or antelopes. Simithy is a low, round shed tools include: Hausa type bellows and a few European hammers. Birom Tribe, a feature are the high defensive amphobia hedges leading to and surrounding the villages


Fishing Affairs 10

This file entails documents on the travelers, letters written to K.C Murray on the damage to nets by travelers, other challenges such as the aversion of shark to dead sharks, shark fishing was always bad in the waters where a dead shark was found also there has been records of successes and how unity was fostered among the Fishermen. Correspodence from Apese Fishermen Association to K.C Murray,as well as other movements of shipping



the file entails information on benin Museum administration, the antiquities department T.F 207. it also gives information about Lajuwa, qualities which marks the classic brass and terracotta heads of ife, these qualities do not llie in the expression of character, but in formal aspects, the representation of shapes. although the heads do not represnt the charater of personality, they do represent the character of form and thereby convince that the representation it consists or some unpublished terracotta heads of the ife in the history of West African sculpture details about Frobenius and Ile-ife


Weapon File 94

Correspondence from Benue Province on Spear, weapons through the ages such as chain mail, Horses and other war weapons


Tiv Notes 47

The file consists of information on Basket weaving and mat making, one of which household involved in the art is Achaia house at Gboko, etc

Archaeology of Sokoto

The correspondence to be allow conduct the archaeological work at sokoto.


Basket of Folded for File 102.

Ethnographic field work of basket weaving at Ogba clan and his environment.


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